Meet Honey...
You might have seen her here before. We rescued her about 10 months ago. She was a birthday present for my oldest daughter. A "puppy" when we got her, she only weighed 37 pounds. Now she's well on her way to 100 and I'm not sure she's done growing. She still has some of that puppy physique.
She's eaten parts of my rocking chairs and the trim around my doors. She barks all night and runs away constantly (always returning eventually). She growls if you come outside and ignore her. She's a pest that attracts every cockleburr within a mile radius of here. We love her.
Then there's JoJo...
She's the original big dog around here. We've had her for 10 years. She also pushes 100 pounds, but that's because she's fat and lazy. But after years of fighting coyotes, stray dogs, and the occasional skunk, I'd say she deserves a rest.
She acts aloof, but she's fiercely loyal to our family. She likes to stay at my in-laws some days. It's just a jaunt across the pasture after all. She's not as spry as she used to be and I get tears in my eyes just thinking about how soon she might be gone from us. There will never be a dog to replace her.
Did I mention she's camera shy?
Coming soon...Little Dogs